Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Genius project blog post #7

The last thing that i need to do is transfer the information that i have gathered on the benefits of sports into a google slides presentation so that i can be ready to present what i have learned.

 The thing that I am most nervous for about this presentation is the entire presenting in front of people part but that's how i feel about all of the presentations we do.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Genius project blog #6

The biggest thing that i have learned through out this project is really nothing but the generic answers to how sports benefit kids which is it keeps them out of trouble and helps them in school.

Here is a link with some information on the benefits of sports.

 Something that was frustrating me was my time management and i have currently caught up on my research and i am no longer behind.

 I am most excited to share just how beneficial sports are and see if maybe they become more interested in sports and perhaps try to play one.

 So far i am doing okay with following my plan because i have caught up on my research and i am no longer behind. before the end of this semester i want to be at least 3/4 done with my research.

Genius project blog #5

So far i'm doing okay on my genius project i'm struggling with time management. Something that has changed since my last blog is that instead of getting ahead i have kind of fallen behind because i have been distracted by my other school work. Since the last tie i wrote an entry i actually don't have anything that i am particularly proud of i have just been getting frustrated with myself on how i manage my time. I think that i will be presenting a power point for my final presentation and as of right now i dont have anything that i can show for what i have done in my project so far

Genius project blog #4

So far i have found both success and enjoyment in exploring my passion which is sports and getting to learn more about how benefits people around me and how it effects the youth of a community. I have made most progress on conducting my research for my presentation.

 Here is a link on the Social and psychological benefits of playing sports.

my plans have changed by me removing the part of the project where i make fliers and stuff because after thinking it over i just want my final product to be presentation. Something that i can do to make better plans is try and get ahead so that if i need to change something i can give myself enough time to do it.

Genius project blog #2

I think that my genius project will be a presentation when it is finished and it will explain the benefits of sports.

 This project connects with my passion because i love to play baseball and i overall have been interested in sports for as long as i can remember.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Genius Project blog #3

Image result for sports makes kids happy
 The most urgent thing that i need to get done for my project so far is i need to just continue conducting research and put all of the information into a power point presentation. Something that impressed me about someones project is that one of my friends has actually stuck with their plan and gotten done everything they said they would have done by this point in the year.

The thing that i am struggling most with for my genius project so far is making sure that i am consistent and i stick with my plan.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Genius Project #20 time blog #1

The thing that excites me the most about the genius project is that I get to pick the topic that I want to look into and conduct research on. This excites me because it gives me a chance to look further into something that I am passionate about. 

Here is a link to an article i found about the benefits of sports during the early stages of my research. 

I think that the main things that I am worried about would be that I'm still wondering about how we are going to get this done for example will there be a designated time in the day to work on this project or will it be up to us to decide when to work on it.

 I am also wondering about how we are going to present this when the project is done and we all have our final products.